The article explains the evolution of the many different type’s species that came before us,
modern day humans.
According to the article, “early hominians are often called “ape-men” because of the features they share with apes and with human.”
Hominin remains have been found in many different parts of Africa.
The oldest species date back to 7 million years ago.
Some have also been found in Asia and Europe.
We have developed so much in the past 3 million years up to now.
Scientists compare the brain size, jaw, teeth, nose socket, forehead shape, hands, feet, and bone structure. They also look at other things found with the remains such as tools, animal and plant remains, and evidence that they used fire.
The development of the different types of hominin species overlapped depending on where and when they lived but all died out except for humans.
For example we have developed in height.
A female homo floreslensis skeleton found in Indonesia was a very isolated type of species from 94,000 years ago.
It was only 3 feet 6 inches tall.
In Kenya the skeleton remains of a 6 foot tall boy homo erectus were found that are 1.6 million years old.
In the last 20 years, archeologists have found several bones that help us understand evolution better.
In conclusion, I think we have come a long way from African apes to humans in 7 million years.
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