Whitt, Stephen. "On Our Own Two Feet."
Through the article I read in humanities this week “On our Own Two Feet” I learned a lot about the species that came before us. There are so many questions yet to be answered about the human species like how we developed to walk on two feet. Humans have been walking on two feet for about six million years. This is unusual because most animals walk on four legs or with their arms and feet. According to one theory by scientist Owen Lovejoy “we started walking to free up our hands and arms for carrying food to our mates.” My theory is that humans started to walk up right to see better over tall grass. Scientists have studied the skulls of Australopithecus afarensis, Homo erectus, and Homo sapiens to see how we evolved over time. Several changes happened throughout time. The brain cavity got bigger, the face got flatter, and the spine got straighter and the spinal cord entered to our skull at a different point. In conclusion we have changed a lot in six million years.
Adventures in Science Oct. 2009: 26-28
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