Why We Study Human Origins
By Randall Susman
Calliope: Exploring World History

In this article I learned Evolution is the study of human origin. It is the study of how we came to be. There are many theories of how we evolved and why. The main theory of evolution today is that both plants and animals change over time to adapt to their changing environments. This theory was discovered and introduced by Charles Darwin in the 1800’s. At that time, there was no evidence to prove this theory true. In the last 100 years we have found fossils and anatomical evidence that may prove that we could be decadents of apes. Thomas Huxley believed “anatomically, African apes and humans where similar, more similar in fact then apes where to monkeys”. Scientists have found several fossils from different periods of time. These show that different types of ape species existed and changed for example knuckle walkers and bipeds. This evolution of apes to hominids shows the lead up to who we are today humans. In conclusion, as we learn more about our ancestors from the past we also can look into our future and predict what we might become as our environment continues to change.
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