In Humanities this week we watched an episode from the series
Becoming Human called “Last Human Standing.”
It is amazing to know all that has lived before us.
Modern day humans have evolved over millions of years from African apes.
Several other species like homo erectus or australopitheum are some of our early ancestors who also descended from apes.
Homo erectus was the first to leave Africa.
Some migrated to Europe and others to Asia.
We are more advanced than these early ancestors that all died out.
We have more developed brains, bodies, diets, and communication skills and that is why we are the last humans standing.
Homo heidelberg is the closest ancestor to us Homo sapiens.
We are the last humans standing because all of our previous ancestors are extinct.
They died out for many reasons.
For example, they may not have had enough food or were killed by predators, sickness, or due to climate or other environmental changes.
Over time the species that adapted by expanding their diets, language, art, tools, and rituals lived much longer.
Scientists think that some early humans had burial rituals for their dead loved ones.
They would bury them with precious belongings such as tools.
Scientists think that early humans may have had religious beliefs.
In conclusion, I wonder if Homo sapiens will die out one day as well and if so what comes next?